Saturday, April 30, 2005

I'm ba-ack

It's been a busy few weeks and I haven't fancied getting on the computer when I get home.
The poncho is finished. It ended up costing about $60. As I'm never likely to wear it, it was a bit of a waste. I think I'm having trouble because I was a little girl last time they were fashionable and I had 2 lovely ones crocheted by my Great Grandma. I just feel stupid wearing one now.
I've had a weekend trip to Melbourne. I attended a MasterCard course on the Friday which was truly excellent. Saturday was free for shopping and Sunday I caught up with one of my favourite friends and her lovely family.
I have finished Lou's scarf and was going to send it to her. However, she was rude about the bracelet I made her, so perhaps I'll keep the scarf! Or maybe I'll give it to her when she visits.
Went to see Miss Congeniality 2 last night with some girlfriends. I really liked it, so who cares what the critics say? I got back home to find Taffy looking very grey. He spent most of the night being ill (v. polite version).
We went to see the Hobbit stage show which has now been cancelled. I can see why. It was definitely a play for kids, although they seemed not to have captured the fun and mischievousness of the book. They stuck to the story well, but the acting was dire as were the costumes. If it was aimed at kids, a minimum ticket price of $40 would put off most families.
Well, I've rambled on enough. Time to go and start stripping wallpaper.......

Thursday, April 14, 2005


It's not that I'm flighty or easily distracted, but now I've decided to crochet a poncho. My crafty friend Jacqui found a nice Martha Stewart pattern for me. She also helped me translate the wool into NZ wool. I've done the first row and it's going well so far. I now still have the 4 cross stitch projects on the go (well, retired), 1 kumihimo braid in limbo, a thousand cards to make and a red poncho to complete. I've also decided to knit another scarf for my pal Lou as she complained the last one was too small (so much for gratitude). Oh yes, and then there's the scrapbook I'm going to make for my parents for Christmas. I wonder if Taffy (my husband is Welsh) would let me retire 25 years early? I have suggested it and he mutters something about babies - I assume he's joking.
Someone at work found this really cool site today which will drive you mad. Click everything many times!
Friday tomorrow - phew!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

little hangover

Well it's the Saturday after the night before. We went out for lunch yesterday to celebrate our successful project. Unfortunately it was yum char and I embarrassed myself because I didn't like the look of any of the food, so sneaked out for a Subway. We then went for a drinkies or 2 or 3 or 4. A whole load of people were supposed to join us, but most of them piked. If I was in one of my more sensitive moods, this would have upset me, but oh well, c'est la vie. The girls who did show up were really awesome and we had long girly chats. Ah, we could put the world to rights!
Feeling a little bit seedy now, but nothing too bad.
On Thursday I had all the district Brownie Pippin and Guide leaders over for our monthly meeting. They really are awesome women. It is such a good organisation and I've seen girls go from wee little Pippins to confident young ladies. It's amazing taking the kids on camp and seeing their faces when they realise they are allowed to get wet and muddy.
Any way, must get on - I'm helping to sell Guide biscuits today. Only 15 boxes to go!

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Tuesday (pay day)

Well, another busy day at work. Luckily I have a lieu day tomorrow.
We went to the local pub quiz tonight. We sucked as usual, but got our 3rd prize for giving the funniest wrong answer.
This kumihimo braiding is catching on at work. 3 of us have now had a go. I got some brilliant sparkly random purple thread today, so am looking forward to having a go with that. Guess I won't get much else done tomorrow! On the bright side, I did make the picture album for my friend and 2.5 birthday cards. Still have 4 cross stitch projects waiting in the wings though. Maybe when I retire eh?
Thought for the day: Why is it that now I have enough money to go to nice places for holidays, that I have no time to go?

Sunday, April 03, 2005


Well, that was fun, 11 hours at work on a Saturday. Thank you MasterCard and Visa. Why don't you have a year off and make no more changes to your policies? Please?
Not all bad though. I nipped to the $2 shop at lunchtime and bought a kit to do Japanese braiding. It was really easy and looks so effective. I made a bracelet. Not normally the sort of thing I'd wear, but now I'm getting older, a few groovy accessories may perk up my ancient wardrobe some.
Thought for the day: Why do I have some much knowledge when it was 20 years ago that I actually needed it?

Saturday, April 02, 2005

New to this

Well I'm sitting here at work on a Saturday and admiring everyone elses blogs, so I thought I'd have a go. I'm a programmer and I'm sitting watching batch jobs run, which is a bit like watching paint dry, but not so interesting. At least I'm getting paid for it!
At home I have at least 4 cross stich projects on the go. They have been pushed aside for years whilst I explore my new love - paper crafting. I have a load of greeting cards to make and a mini album for my friends birthday. I never used to miss birthdays or send cards late, up until this year. I blame middle age, although I don't actually feel middle aged yet. I'm sure I'm still 18.
Thought for the day - why don't they teach programmers to type?