Saturday, April 02, 2005

New to this

Well I'm sitting here at work on a Saturday and admiring everyone elses blogs, so I thought I'd have a go. I'm a programmer and I'm sitting watching batch jobs run, which is a bit like watching paint dry, but not so interesting. At least I'm getting paid for it!
At home I have at least 4 cross stich projects on the go. They have been pushed aside for years whilst I explore my new love - paper crafting. I have a load of greeting cards to make and a mini album for my friends birthday. I never used to miss birthdays or send cards late, up until this year. I blame middle age, although I don't actually feel middle aged yet. I'm sure I'm still 18.
Thought for the day - why don't they teach programmers to type?


Blogger Violet said...

You mean you didn't take typing in school? In my day, typing was the most popular class in secondary school. I didn't get in, so my mum bought me a typewriter and a manual, and I taught myself.

9:58 am  

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