Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Motherland

I've noticed some strange things since I've been home.
  • Nothing has changed and no-one is surprised to see you
  • The British know how to merge
  • They also know how to queue
  • British jewelry is ugly.
  • People are still (mostly) polite.
  • The countryside is spectacular
  • Seagulls are not scared of humans, and will fight you for your chips
  • TV is VERY boring
  • they have funny accents
  • Pedestrians never look where they are going
  • dog poo doesn't get picked up

Still, I suppose I'll get used to it!

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Well, England are out of the World Cup. A shame really, it would have done the country good to see them go a bit further. Oh, well, c'est la vie.
I have just caught up with the latest season of Dr. Who. David Tennant is very appealing (especially to the ladies!). Some of the plots were a bit weak, but generally it's pretty good. Shame Billie Piper is leaving.
I have been in Southampton for a week whilst Taffy was off in Rhodes windsurfing. I'm now back in Wales with Pa-in-law and Taf. Taf is looking very tanned and extremely healthy. He has very bad windsurfing callouses on his hand - poor baby!
Next week we are going to relly concentrate on getting our lives in order.
hee hee.