Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The shakes

When I came home tonight, the neighbours weren't in. They've just come back and I can't stop shaking and I feel really sick. Taffy phoned victim support today. As there had only been one incident, they gave him the brush off. Perhaps one of us has to be harmed for it to matter to anyone. Why does horrible stuff like this happen?


Blogger Violet said...

That was remarkably insensitive of them. OBviously the two of you needed support, or you wouldn't have rung them!!!

Wanna wag work and come over for a supportive cup of tea?

1:10 pm  
Blogger gerbera said...

any changes in the neighbour situation? Not sure what you can do... We just kept calling noise control and eventually the landlord must have told them to leave. New people moving into that place now over last few days. Can well understand why you don't want to keep ringing after what happened. Council must surely take that into account....

2:34 pm  

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